Does Your Elderly Loved One Really Have Alzheimer’s Disease?
If you are scared that your elderly loved one has Alzheimer’s disease, the first thing to know is that you aren’t alone. Unfortunately, millions of people suffer from this disease. This also means that millions of family members are also affected by the disease. If you are worried that your elderly loved one has Alzheimer’s, it is important not to jump to self-diagnosing them. There are some signs that you and elderly care providers can look for. If you still think your elderly loved one has this disease after recognizing certain signs, be sure you have them see their doctor for proper testing.
Daily or Regular Memory Issues

Elderly Care Palm Beach County, FL: Alzheimer’s Disease
How often is your elderly loved one experiencing memory loss? Some family caregivers think their elderly loved one has Alzheimer’s disease the first time they forget something. However, when it comes to Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss is usually quite regular. While it may not start this way, it can progress to regular memory loss quickly. What is your elderly loved one forgetting? If they are forgetting things such as recent events or that they just asked a question, it could be Alzheimer’s disease.
Trouble Reasoning or Problem Solving
How has your elderly loved one been with reasoning? When you or an elderly care provider is trying to help your elderly loved one, do they argue with you often? How are they when trying to solve problems? For example, does your elderly loved one have issues trying to solve a simple math problem. If these things are happening, your elderly loved one might have Alzheimer’s. However, it is still best to have a doctor diagnose them.
Issues Doing Daily Tasks
How has your elderly loved one been doing with tasks they already knew how to do and have done regularly for years? For example, many people who have Alzheimer’s disease can’t remember how to do the laundry. Other people who have this disease might forget how to get to the store they have gone to for many years. If your elderly loved one is having issues with daily tasks, it might be best to have them see their doctor for further testing.
There are many things that could signify someone has Alzheimer’s disease. While it might be scary to think about your elderly loved one having this disease, it is best to recognize the signs as early as possible. There isn’t a cure for Alzheimer’s disease right now. However, getting your elderly loved one a diagnosis and a proper treatment plan can help them to better manage the disease. It can help you and elderly care providers to better know how to handle things, as well.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elderly Care in Palm Beach County, FL please contact the caring staff at Elite Senior Home Care today. (561) 570-6613
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