Does Your Mom Need Companion Care? Here’s How To Tell

Companion Care at Home in Palm Beach County FLIf your mom is living on her own and you’re worried that she’s lonely you should consider companion care at home. If your mom has companion care at home she will get regular visits from a companion who will share meals with your mom, share conversations with her, and engage in fun activities to keep your mom from becoming isolated.

Companion care at home is a fantastic way for seniors living on their own to get the social interaction they need to be healthy because companions visit on a set schedule. Your mom will look forward to the days when she knows that she’s getting a visit from a companion.

Even if your mom hasn’t mentioned being lonely, she probably is. Loneliness is an epidemic among seniors living at home. But seniors often don’t want to burden their children by asking them to visit more or to call more. Instead, they just sit alone in their homes day after day.

Some signs that your mom is lonely that you should watch out for are:

Social Withdrawal

Seniors may start to isolate themselves from friends and family. They might decline invitations to gatherings or stop participating in social activities they once enjoyed.

If your mom is lonely at home she may stop asking when you’re coming over, stop answering calls or texts, and not seem very interested in seeing friends or family members. If your mom is withdrawing from the family she needs more social interaction.

Changes in Mood

Have you noticed that your mom’s mood seems to be depressed, sad, or weepy lately? Increased feelings of sadness, anxiety, or irritability can indicate loneliness. A senior who was once cheerful may become more withdrawn or display mood swings.

If your mom is irritable, sad, or seems to just not care about anything she could be lonely or depressed. Regular visits from a companion can help her overcome feelings of sadness or loneliness.

Changes in Sleep Patterns

Loneliness can affect sleep. Seniors may experience insomnia or find themselves sleeping more than usual as they cope with feelings of isolation. If your mom is having trouble sleeping there could be a lot of causes, including loneliness. Companion care at home can make your mom feel more confident, more connected to the world, and less anxious. That can improve the quality of her sleep and help her get more restful sleep.

Loss of Interest in Hobbies

A senior who used to enjoy hobbies or activities may lose interest in them. They might spend more time sitting alone or watching television instead of engaging in activities they once loved.

If your mom no longer seems to care about the hobbies she used to enjoy like cooking, painting, or knitting she could be lonely. Having companion care at home and getting visits from someone who has the same interests she has may get her interested in doing hobbies again.

Neglecting Self-Care

Seniors may show signs of neglect in their personal grooming or hygiene. This can manifest as wearing the same clothes for days or not maintaining their usual grooming routines. If your mom no longer seems to care how she looks she could be depressed. Knowing that a companion is coming to visit on a regular basis will give her a reason to get dressed and look her best.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Companion Care at Home in Palm Beach County, FL, please contact the caring staff at Elite Senior Home Care today at (561) 570-6613
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