Post-Hospital Care: Helping Seniors Reestablish a Healthy Sleep Routine

Post-Hospital Care in Palm Beach County FLAlthough hospital stays can cause disturbances to anyone’s routine, seniors may have particular difficulties after returning home. For instance, following their hospital release, many seniors have trouble getting back into a regular sleep schedule. With this in mind, it is essential that the post-hospital care plan address these issues and put measures in place to help seniors reestablish a healthy sleep routine. Additionally, as part of the post-hospital care plan, family members might consider adding home care to the home to help them work with seniors as they try to get back into a regular schedule.

Establish a Relaxing Sleep Space

A healthy sleep environment is essential for comfortable sleep. Loved ones can make sure the senior’s bedroom is quiet, dark, and at the right temperature so they can sleep better. Also, to reduce disturbances, it might be a good idea to add a fan or white noise machine to the room. Beyond the ambiance of the space, it’s also important for seniors to have appropriate supportive pillows and mattresses. In fact, this might be included in the post-hospital care plan, especially if seniors need to sleep fully propped up or with part of their body propped up.

Create a Regular Sleep Schedule

The secret to resetting the body’s internal clock is consistency. Loved ones can recommend that seniors, especially on weekends, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. They can sleep and wake up more easily because of this regularity, which helps control their circadian rhythm. Establishing a relaxing sleep ritual, such as reading a book or turning on relaxing music, may also help them start to relax before bed.

Pay Attention to Naps

While rest and relaxation are surely part of the post-hospital care plan, too much napping can be detrimental. Home care and loved ones should encourage seniors to avoid naps in the late afternoon and to keep them to no more than 20 or 30 minutes when they do nap.

Track Nutrition and Hydration

Seniors’ food and beverage choices have a big impact on how well they sleep. With this in mind, they should steer clear of large meals, coffee, and alcohol right before bed because these can interfere with their sleep cycles. Instead, family members can encourage a light snack, such as a small bowl of yogurt or a piece of fruit. Also, seniors should decrease their fluid intake as the night wears on.

Promote Frequent Exercise

Frequent exercise can significantly enhance the quality of sleep. Seniors who engage in gentle exercise, like walking, stretching, or mild yoga, can feel more at ease and sleep better. However, since it could have the opposite impact, it’s crucial to avoid engaging in strenuous exercise too soon before bed. Instead, seniors should try to get their exercise earlier in the day to make sure it helps them sleep better at night. To assist loved ones, home care can also be employed to remind seniors to move throughout the day.

Restoring a normal sleep schedule following a hospital stay is essential for recuperation and the general well-being of seniors. The good news is that by following their post-hospital care plan and leaning on resources such as home care and support from family, seniors will be back to their pre-hospital sleep routine before long.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Post-Hospital Care in Palm Beach County, FL, please contact the caring staff at Elite Senior Home Care today at (561) 570-6613
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